Performing Arts Centre
A masterpiece perched on the edge of Tuwaiq Mountain and a beacon for artists and visitors from across the globe.

Outperforming performance
The best of Saudi and the best from around the world
The Performing Arts Centre is a testament to the city's commitment to fostering creativity and innovation. The centre is expected to host over 200 indoor and outdoor performances and events every year.
Outperforming performance
Great capacity
The Centre has over 2,000 seats spread across 3 venues, each offering a 360° experience that merges physical and digital elements.

Bringing talent
From theatre to music and everything in between, you can count on Qiddiya City's Performing Arts Centre to bring the biggest and boldest shows from around the world and work hand in hand with the talent to ensure that they take your breath away.
The Centre embraces cutting-edge tech and employs a vast host of advanced tools that are guaranteed to boost the WOW factor, thus pushing entertainment boundaries and challenging the confines of reality as we know it through immersive technology, including VR, AR and AI.
An institution
Qiddiya City’s Performing Arts Centre isn’t just a venue; it’s an institution, there to serve as an outlet for the bold and talented—those who are chasing their muse and looking to make a name for themselves.

Enjoy the view
Sky-high location
Qiddiya City’s Performing Arts Centre sits on the edge of the towering Tuwaiq Mountain range, overlooking the vast expanse of the colourful and lively Qiddiya City below, offering breathtaking and unforgettable panoramic views that dreams are made of.
Welcome to the show
Live entertainment at its best
Qiddiya City’s Performing Arts Centre will be Saudi's premier venue for live events, hosting local and international shows year-round.
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